2023 Heritage Place Winter Mixed

Statistical Summary Highest Prices
Leading Buyers Leading Consignors and Agents
Leading Sires of Yearlings Hip by Hip Results
  Leading Covering Sires
Highest Prices - Day 1 --- (1/19/2023)
Highest Prices - Day 2 --- (1/20/2023)
Highest Prices - Day 3 --- (1/21/2023)
Highest Prices - Cumlative

Highest Prices by Day
By Value
$160,000 HIP #15 - FLASHIN FIRE , G , 4, by First Moonflash -- Episode Of Fire, by Walk Thru Fire (Dunn Ranch, Agent ), (Luis Roberto Lozano ), 1/19/2023
$130,000 HIP #177 - CR APPOLLITICAL JOE , G , 5, by Apollitical Jess -- LW Evening Lajolla, by Streakin La Jolla (Jason Olmstead, Agent for Dick & Curt Tobin ), (Raul Ramirez ), 1/19/2023
$105,000 HIP #241 - ONE SLICK V , G , 4, by One Valiant Hero -- Silk Mountain, by Panther Mountain (Dunn Ranch, Agent ), (Santos Montemayor ), 1/19/2023
$100,000 HIP #34 - SHEZA FAST BLOOD , F , 4, by Apollitical Blood -- MCM Sheza Fast Cutie, by Heza Fast Dash (Roger Daly, Agent ), (Equestix Inc. ), 1/19/2023
$95,000 HIP #66 - SINGLES CRUISE , M , 7, by Favorite Cartel -- Going Single, by Mr Eye Opener (Burns Ranch, Inc., Agent for Barry & Janice Sather ), (Elena U. Crim ), 1/19/2023
$95,000 HIP #133 - XTRA , G , 3, by Apollitical Blood -- First Lady B, by Jess Louisiana Blue (Bielau Oaks, Agent ), (Elizardo Olivas ), 1/19/2023
$90,000 HIP #169 - APOLLITICAL OLYMPIAN , E , 2023, by Apollitical Jess -- Sandy June Bug, by Blushing Bug (Dunn Ranch, Agent for Dr. Richard L. Beck ), (Thomas D. Lepic ), 1/19/2023
$80,000 HIP #210 - JESS IZZY , F , 4, by Big Daddy Cartel -- Jess Adoration, by Mr Jess Perry (Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent ), (Elena U. Crim ), 1/19/2023
$80,000 HIP #246 - CELL BOUNCE , C , 4, by Corona Cartel -- My Famous Lady, by One Famous Eagle (Victory Farms ), (Ventura M Ranch LLC ), 1/19/2023
$78,000 HIP #267 - CARTELL CHICK , M , 4, by Favorite Cartel -- Chicks Tell, by Chicks Beduino (Burns Ranch, Inc., Agent ), (La Feliz Montana Ranch, LLC ), 1/19/2023